The Idea

Marvel and DC comics have so many things in common, I feel that it makes no sense for them to be apart just to have their characters separated, that could give us so many cool storylines if they could interact on a regular basis. The biggest argument against this could be that it would create a roster of characters too big to properly manage, but it is my opinion that woudn't be the case. Both companies keep having to create crappy characters all the time to fill up the ranks, until editors finally give up on them. With a combined roster, there will be little room for new characters to emerge, but I belive it is a good thing, good ideas will always have their chance eventually, and we woudn't be bombarded with filler characters all the time, while at the same time, will present a challange to the writers, that, having all this good characters to work with, they would also have a need to come up with good and new situations to put the characters in, so they stay fresh and appealing. My goal with this is to share what I would do if the combination of the two universes were to happen, I would really like to get feedback, to know your thoughts on my ideas and choices, and I would always like to know the reasoning behind those opinions. This is my idea, so If you disagree with something I post just because you would prefer it some other way without a logic explanation, it won't help the discussion of the topic, but I'm definetly open to discuss and change my mind on any topic, if reasonably argued and explained. I'm going to explain how the Universe would work, the heroes, villains and teams that I would definitelly work with and add some extras I found appealing. If I don't mention someone, it's probably included, just don't care enough about him to even mention, but feel free to ask about him/her. I know some characters are copycats of each other, sometimes i'll keep just one, irrelevant of which one is the original, i'll choose the character that is more interesting, and it may be the DC person and the Marvel alias or the other way around, or both from the same company. I may also keep both if both grew interesting and different enough for it. I also feel like a few characters wouldn't fit into this universe, mostly I don't even think they fit in the superhero themed universe as it is now, but are too good to drop and deserve a comic of their own in their own unique universe. I hope you guys enjoy!

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